Douglas Kevin Sullivan Hobgood

Exposed for being a creep by Colorado Ped Patrol on October 30, 2021. A team member here at Katfish for the Kause was the decoy! He was arrested on site by Broomfield Co. Police.

Douglas pled guilty to the charge of enticing a minor with the intent to exploit on 1-27-23. His sentencing hearing was held in March, 2023. He is currently on 3yrs of supervised probation and listed on the Colorado Sex Offender Registry, linked below.

Please keep your innocent children away from this admitted pedophile. In the interview Douglas admitted to 3 real victims within the last 2 years. If you are one of his victims, please turn him in and seek justice. As you can see from the limited chats below, this guy moved very fast and with little hesitation. He was concerned about the VPN but yet he showed up to meet.

Here’s Papa D’s social media:

Click to view!

What were you up to on that Road Trip to Cali in July 2021?
Apparently the staff at Instagram can’t confirm these are Doug the registered sex offenders accounts. It’s only the same exact face as his RSO photos on his accounts. WOW IG..thanks for allowing a pedophile to thrive on your platform.
Click the link below to view Douglas’ People report.
What exactly are you delivering? Hello fresh…and God knows what else. HELL has a hot seat reserved for YOU Douglas.


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