
Busted July 19, 2023 In Grant Park, Atlanta Georgia.

If you have any information about this man who goes by Max, Maz, Mazzymaz87, and the snap name you see below, please email us at [email protected]. Our team was not able to completely identify him. He says he lives in Grant Park Atlanta, Ga. The police in this zone of ATL were contacted before the interview and they declined to take the evidence or respond to the scene. If at any point they would like the evidence, they are welcome to email us as well! Adults sexting minors is illegal in Georgia.

Please spread the word to the parents in ATL about this guy. THANK YOU.

Max’ KIK profile had been in existence for 8.9 years as of the date of contact with our decoy. If Max was really “Only 17” as he claimed 9 minutes into the interview, that would make him 9 years old when he began using KIK. The likelihood of that is slim to none.






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