Tag: predator

  • Duane Edward Beach Jr.

    Duane Edward Beach Jr.

    44 year old Dominant Massachusetts resident (Currently in Rumney New Hampshire) takes the train from Wilmington to Lowell to teach 14 year old girl in the woods. Arraigned on 8-22-23 in Lowell Dist. Court. Ch265 S26c-1 + Ch272 S28a-12

  • Gregory Bonadio

    Gregory Bonadio

    ICAC Arrested. Guilderland, NY. Details, including body cam footage of his arrest in New York coming soon. A tip was called in to Albany PD, April 2022. He was arrested in December of 2022. Greg really really didn’t want the YouTube video up. There’s no “Report” button here. Disgusting chatlog takes an hour to read.

  • Jeffrey W. Chauvin

    Jeffrey W. Chauvin

    Husband/father in Massachusetts throws it all away for a fake teenager after two weeks of texting. One of our team members was the decoy and he was exposed by Ppmass on Wednesday February 9, 2022. Jeffrey W. Chauvin was a married father living in a small Massachusetts town at the time of his exposure for…

  • Justin Sergio “Serg” Raphaelson

    Justin Sergio “Serg” Raphaelson

    Worcester Ma. resident attempts to pick up 13 year old girl in West Brookfield so they can go hang out or whatever at his place, 45 minutes away. He sped off when confronted by our team member. Police refused to respond to the scene or investigate. Nice right?

  • Douglas Kevin Sullivan Hobgood

    Douglas Kevin Sullivan Hobgood

    Exposed for being a creep by Colorado Ped Patrol on October 30, 2021. He was arrested on site. Douglas pled guilty to the charge of enticing a minor with the intent to exploit on 1-27-23. He is currently serving 3yrs supervised probation and listed on the Colorado Sex Offender Registry.