Gregory Bonadio

ICAC Arrested. Guilderland, NY. Details, including body cam footage of his arrest in New York coming soon. A tip was called in to Albany PD, April 2022. He was arrested in December of 2022. Greg really really didn’t want the YouTube video up. There’s no “Report” button here. Disgusting chatlog takes an hour to read.

Our decoy talked to Greg for approx 3 weeks between March – April 2022. The chat logs are extremely explicit & terrifying. They will be uploaded here as soon as possible. A tip was put in to the New York State Police in Albany in April. ICAC completed their own investigation and caught Gregory 8 months later. Gregory Bonadio is awaiting scheduling for a Grand Jury Trial in Albany Superior Court. As soon as our team becomes aware of the date we will update this page.
Gregory sent this photo to our decoy in hopes he would make her laugh and she’d send back a “naughty photo”. ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ The chatlogs below are extremely graphic in nature and are not suitable for anyone under 18. Viewer Discretion is strongly advised. ⚠️
Gregory Bonadio
*Spoiler Alert*: Greg’s # does show on upcoming screenshots. Our team is busy, we are not re-capturing all those messages.
Greg lost his job at UPS.





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